Advantages of the Automatic Lifting Hook
The elebia lifting hooks for cranes are the only automatic hooks with fail-safe design in the market.
With traditional crane hooks you can quickly and “kind of safely” engage the load. This engage though, has to be done manually. Usually lifting operations are exposed to accidental disengagement of loads even if they have been secured for this, or you think they are. This represents dangerous situations for workers, operators, and for the cargo…
The advantages of the automatic lifting hook for cranes include the increase in productivity, enhancement of safety and much more comfort in your lifting operations.
Productivity, Safety & Comfort
– Less time invested in manoeuvring operations (loading/unloading/transport)
– Risk of injuries or fatalities is minimised
– Less personnel is necessary during the manoeuvring operation
– No extra costs for additional machinery (basket lift, forklift, etc.)
– Elimination of possible accidents in operations with altitude or at great heights
– Reduced injuries and chronic ailments by eliminating repetitive movements
– Elimination of possible hand injuries (cuts, crushing, etc.) by not having to manipulate slings and other lifting accessories during the maneouvring operation
– Avoiding the handling of toxic and radiation materials
– Operators not exposed directly to extremely elevated temperatures
– The automatic crane hooks increase user comfort in all operations
– Improved working conditions
Contact Us
Elebia Autohooks S.L.U.
Plaça Pere Llauger Prim, Naus 10-11
Polígon Industrial Can Misser
08360 Canet de Mar
(Barcelona) Spain