Safety Regulations for Cranes

23 November, 2018

Safety Regulations for Cranes

Cranes are machines that make industrial work less complicated. The loading and unloading of heavy objects is made possible by these manual or automatic machines. Over the years, cranes have evolved to include various technologies that have made them more efficient. But regardless of how modern or functional a crane is, it must be operated in accordance with safety standards. Failure to observe safety regulations for cranes can result in serious accidents.

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Lack of safety measures during operations can also interfere with the functionality of these enormous structures. An improperly operated crane can suffer damage requiring a company to replace or repair it. Then there is the reputation of a company. Whether it is a small enterprise or large corporation, the compromised safety of workers and workzones can impair credibility irreparably. For these reasons, any crane operator should keep in line with the established standards of security and safety regulations for cranes.

Do not overload the crane

A common mistake amongst crane operators is to load the lifting hook with a bigger load than it can accommodate. An operator can look at a crane and think ‘it can take more’ with the intention of accomplishing more in less time. However, this can have the opposite effect. Cranes come with their recommended lifting loads and operators must calculate how much they can lift without exceeding this limit. The effect of overloading a crane is that it can drop part or all of the load, and depending on what it is, it can cause serious damage not only to the crane itself, but also to people in the workzone.

Attach & secure the load

Loads must be attached to the cranes at all times without exception. It may seem obvious, but some operators forgo this step. Cranes can be retrofitted with hooks and other accessories to improve their safety. Operators must make use of these at every instance. A load that is attached to a crane has less risk of falling during transit. Even the slowest movement can cause materials to fall off the crane, which can hurt people on the ground or damage property. All rigging must undergo thorough inspections before use to guarantee that it is in optimal condition. Operators must be trained on the correct way to attach loads, especially when moving them across great heights and distances.

Make sure it is in good condition

A crane must always be in its best condition before being put to work. Companies have maintenance schedules for their machines to rule out component failure during operation. Doing that allows inspectors to spot faults before they get out of hand. If a machine requires repairs or oiling, the inspection will tell that. However, operators should not rely on these inspections only. A pre-operational inspection is the best way to be confident about the condition of a crane. During this process, operators can check the brakes, lifting mechanisms, safety devices and motor and tooling equipment. Hooks should be in good shape, the hoist should be working correctly, and the loading chain must be checked for damage.


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Keeping your distance

Remote-controlled cranes have become popular due to the convenience they offer. Operators don’t have to put as much effort to run the machine as they do with manual systems. The most critical rule when operating a remote-controlled crane is to ensure that the area is clear. The operators and workers on the floor should be at a safe distance from an overhead crane. Clearing the area ensures that any loose material from the crane will not fall on people. The section where the crane is set up must provide sufficient visibility so that the operator doesn’t have to leave the safe zone in an attempt to see better. A big issue with remote-controlled cranes is that operators downplay the possibility of the machine acting erratically, which increases safety risks for everyone.

Avoid distractions

Concentration is a key factor for a crane operator. Besides being heavy machinery, cranes are sensitive equipment, and pressing the wrong button can cause a catastrophe. All the safety measures may be instituted, but if the crane operator fails, then everything is for nothing. When working a crane, you have to abide by certain rules like not to pass it over workers and to maintain a particular height. However, if the operator is distracted, it is easy to make mistakes. Factories and other environments that need cranes use hand signals to tell the operator what to do next. Distractions will make it difficult to keep up with what is happening on the ground.

Wear proper protection gear

Safety regulations for cranes require that workers have the proper attire at all times. Employees who have to be on or around an overhead crane should be safe from potential hazards. Even after checking the machine and practising safe operation, accidents may happen. Protection clothing ensures that in such an instance, a worker is protected from injury. Hard hats are the most basic personal protective gear for crane operators. They guard the head in case of impact. Gloves prevent slipping, especially when operating a crane manually. Protective eyewear ensures that an operator’s sight is not diminished due to dust or debris. Reflective vests make an operator visible to other workers, earmuffs protect against noise and safety boosts keep the feet safe. Some work sites may have specific PPE for their workers.

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Elebia Autohooks S.L.U.

Plaça Pere Llauger Prim, Naus 10-11

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08360 Canet de Mar

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(+34) 93 543 4706

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